Personal Experience
Johan gained experience over 20 years, working as a Professional Engineer in South Africa for Government Entities, a Water Board, several Consulting Engineering companies and operating his own small Mechanical Equipment Installation Company and Consulting Engineering Company before emigrating to Canada.
He was one of the Directors of a world-renowned Consulting Company, Wates Meiring and Barnard, specializing in Wastewater Treatment, later bought out by the international engineering company Golder Associates.
After moving to Canada, Johan worked for a short stint at an Engineering Consulting Company in Winnipeg. He started a five-year stretch with PFRA (within Agriculture Canada), after which he joined the City of Winkler for a period of 6 years, first as City Engineer and then as Director of Planning and Engineering.
At the end of 2014, he established jdb project engineering inc., which has been experiencing much success, delivering several different types of civil engineering projects with optimal designs and unique solutions.